Thursday 26 November 2015


Final Evaluation!

Throughout the first months of Wig work and Postiche we were taught how to create a hairstyle from each iconic period from the 1900's. We were also taught how to apply and style the wig ready for our assessment. I developed my final idea's through my research. We learnt how to crate these looks by using curling wands and using the brickwork method of heated rollers and understanding which colour roller for each curl. The larger the curl the larger the roller you want such as blue and red. The Smaller the curl the smaller the roller you are going to want to use such as white to achieve a tighter curl. Researching helps me understand the genre and what the hairstyles of each area include and the correct way to achieve the look you want and how you can style it. My research came from the internet books and many covers of women magazines such as vogue. The aspects of studies that i wished i had explored further are creating my own unique style and experimenting with each genre and the hairstyles of the time. I have faced many difficulties throughout this term but feel i have overcome them successfully. At the beginning i found applying the heated rollers very difficult however through time and practise i found them quite simple and easy to apply. Another difficulty i faced was in my first assessment when the hair just flopped from setting the wig. However overcame this by thinking fast and creating a new hairstyle. I also was able to set my wig for my second assessment which came out much better. My final assessments i chose the 1940’s era as i had seen many photographs of my grandma’s hair from this period in old photo albums. Overall i am happy with the way my assessments and final images have came out despite and feel they are recognised into the 1940’s period. However i next time i would make sure get a lot more practice in time for my assessment to make sure everything goes smoothly and i am confident in what i need to do to achieve.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Final Images

Some of the final images from my assessments - 

Historical - 

Contemporary - 

Assessment 2 - Contemporary outcome

Assessment 2 - Contemporary outcome

The curls have worked! For this design i decided to create two braids starting from the side of the head that go down across the back of the head into a pony tail with the ends of the hair curled. I created a curl at the top of the head which also resemble the era of the 1940's. Overall i am happy with the way this hair assessment has came out as i have learnt the skills of blocking, setting a wig and creating hairstyles onto a acrylic wig. The hair is smooth and shiny with an overall feel to the hair. I decided to add a bow to the side pony tail to add some colour and a lovely finish to the look. 

Assessment 1 - Historical Outcome

Assessment 1 - Historical Outcome 

Despite the difficulty i had with the curls not coming out to plan, i did try my best to still reach 1940's hairstyle. Below are a few images of my final assessment. I decided to do an up do as i couldn't really do much to the hair whilst down. Overall i am happy with the glossiness of the hair as the 1940's hair was very slick and perfectly shaped. Improvements for next time would defiantly be practise with setting the wig to not have a re-occuring problem for next time as i would like to include curls into my designs and not give up. However i feel with a lot more practice would have given me a much better outcome. Overall i am happy that i didn't let my disaster overcome my assessment and pushed myself through to create another design.


My Assessment Disaster! And how i overcome it

Soooo, i had a little, well i say a little.. a HUGE disaster when it came to my first assessment for wig work. The Historical Assessment. To prepare the hair of the wigs you can't use a lot of heat onto the hair otherwise the hair will fizzle and will be ruined and very hard to work with so you have to put the hair into non heated rollers and steam the hair twice for half an hour and wait for the hair to set to create a curl. Although this was my first time ever doing the steam i thought i had done this correctly and well however when it came to my assessment and time to tae out the rollers to steam the hair the hair just flopped. No curl was there to work with at all and the hair just went to its original shape and style.  So i had to think on the spot a quick action plan as i wasn't able to us my design as it included curls unfortunately as this hairstyle was pretty much impossible to do. From this i learnt to always have a back up plan.

It was time to put my thinking cap on. Luckily i had done a reasonable amount of research during the 1940'speriod and researched some of the popular hairstyles of this period. After a few minutes looking back on my research i found a technique i could use that didn't require much or any heat. This was Pin curling! For this hairstyle all you needed was some water spray to make the hair smooth and slick, hair grips to secure the hair into place, your fingers to wind up the curl and lastly some hairspray to hold the hair. Hallelujah! 

1940's Assessment research Contemporary

1940's Assessment research Contemporary 

I found creating a pinterest board very useful when creating my designs as i found myself to already having an idea in my head of what i would like my hairstyle to look like. I find looking at images very useful as i can see what i would like to include in my design and what i don't like.  I created a interest board for my historical assessment and desided to do it again for my contemporary assessment.

My Pinterest Board - 

1940's Assessment research Historical

1940's Assessment research Historical

I started my 1940's Assessment Research historical by gathering a variety of images from Pinterest  I chose very carefully to only include images that i thought would help me with my design. These images all reflect onto my personal designs i want to include big loose curls and pin curls for my final piece. 

My Pinterest Board -

I have chosen 1940's to be my era for my assessment as i loved creating the big soft curls and creating pin curls around the face.